

Definition of the Microprocessor

The Microprocessor is a programmable device that takes in numbers, performs on them arithmetic or logical operations according to the program stored in memory and then produces other numbers as a result.

What is a Microprocessor?

The word comes from the combination micro and processor. Processor means a device that processes whatever. In this context processor means a device that processes numbers, specifically binary numbers, 0’s and 1’s. 
To process means to manipulate. It is a general term that describes all manipulation. Again in this content, it means to perform certain operations on the numbers that depend on the microprocessor’s design.

Arithmetic and Logic Operations

Every microprocessor has arithmetic operations such as add and subtract as part of its instruction set. Most microprocessors will have operations such as multiply and divide.
Some of the newer ones will have complex operations such as square root.
In addition, microprocessors have logic operations as well. Such as AND, OR, XOR, shift left, shift right, etc.

Again, the number and types of operations define the microprocessor’s instruction set and depends on the specific microprocessor

Inside The Microprocessor

Internally, the microprocessor is made up of 3 main units.
The Arithmetic/Logic Unit (ALU)
The Control Unit.
An array of registers for holding data while it is being manipulated.

Assembly Language

Entering the instructions using hexadecimal is quite easier than entering the binary combinations.

However, it still is difficult to understand what a program written in hexadecimal does.
So, each company defines a symbolic code for the instructions.
These codes are called “mnemonics”.
The mnemonic for each instruction is usually a group of letters that suggest the operation performed.

Know more about Microprocessor

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